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Sahara Desert


As Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert in preparation for his ministry taking an account of himself, we are spending this Lent exploring what it means to be accountable to ourselves, to our work, to those we love, and to the Lord.


Come spend this season of accountability with us as we prepare for Easter and resurrection!

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We all deserve "just a place to go" where we can take care of our needs.


We tend to call those places and spaces home. For many of us, home is the house or apartment where we live, sleep, eat, entertain, and now even work. But to have a place to be able to call home is a blessing not all share. 


Here at Living Faith, we wish to be a home for those who are without one. We have created a day shelter in our downstairs fellowship hall that we are calling "Just A Place To Go."


This is a "just a place to go" grab some food, charge your electronics, take a shower, meet with friends or case workers, pick out some new clothes, and wash your old ones. It's a place where you can feel at home.


On Mondays there is light foods, such as bagels, cereal, soups as well as access to the shower and clothing closet. On Fridays a team of volunteers prepare a delicious meal with dessert and refreshments. Anyone is welcome, regardless of needs. We are here for you.


Our winter hours:

Mondays: by appointment

Fridays: 10AM - 1PM

(no access to shower on Friday)



We are in need of volunteers to serve as hosts for the shelter on Mondays and local partners to help this ministry by sponsoring it financially. If you are able to help out or wish to sign up for a shower please click the button below.

Welcome To


In   Putnam, Connecticut

WHAT DRIVES US? There you have it. We believe God is love and when we love one another then we are fulfilling our purpose and making this town and this world a better place in the process. So that's what we do. We don't make you join or rebaptize you or call out your sins or shout out fire and brimstone -- there's already so much of that going on.


Not us. Instead: we accept you, we affirm you, we make sure you have what you need to survive, and together we look out and go out to serve those most in need. That's our mission. It's simple and yet takes a lifetime to do well, but we believe Jesus would do that. We think that's what love looks like. So, stop by and find out. Amen?

Online + indoors

SUndays @ 10

Stop by the church, located at 53 Grove St. We gather indoors for a casual hour-long service beginning at 10 with refreshments afterward. We welcome you exactly as you are. Life is a journey. Know there are people here who are right where you are too. You are not alone.


Help us bless Northeastern CT by blessing this faith community with your support. Now support comes in all forms: time, talents, and treasures too. Time and talents are most important, but the hard thing is most of us are busy! We barely have enough time for our friends, family, and ourselves. We know that well.


So if you are busy, then the next best thing is supporting Living Faith through financial gifts. Any gift goes right back into serving your neighbors who are most in need and most dependent on the ministries of this church.


Consider giving one time or becoming a sustaining steward of the church through recurring donations each month. Every gift helps spread love, grace, hope, and good news to those who need it!




53 Grove St.

Putnam, CT 06260

Thanks for submitting!

©2022 by Living Faith UMC.

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